In this Option, the stadium is located further north along East Mall, allowing for a portion of existing trees to be maintained.

Key Features of Option 2:

  1. A portion of the tree stand (approximately 60%) is retained and its compromised ecological health is revitalized through native understory plantings and sensitive pathway design.

  2. A narrow development area north of the stadium resulting with four towers ranging in height from 22 to 36 storeys.

  3. The majority of 6 to 8 storey midrise buildings (for faculty-staff) are located between the stadium and the Botanical Garden, with more impacts from stadium events (i.e. noise and light) on new residences.

  4. A small new neighbourhood park, combining ecological functions and public access, and a linear recreation park along the west side of the stadium.

  5. Stadium Road is shifted to the south (causing minor impacts to the Botanical Garden) to function as a neighbourhood commercial street and an east-west through connection for pedestrians and vehicles (including the potential for buses).

  6. Parking access to the stadium is from East Mall, which minimizes impacts to surrounding neighbourhoods but impacts pedestrian connectivity and requires a retaining wall along the tree stand which could impact tree retention.