In Phase 2, we presented three Scenarios. Based on what we heard, and through further analysis, two Plan Options were developed.


What We Heard

  • Support for affordable housing for the UBC community

  • Support for connections to Botanical Garden and other green spaces

  • A stadium well-connected to Thunderbird Park

  • Support for a locally-oriented community

  • Concerns about the impact of higher density development and taller buildings

  • Concerns about the loss of trees and green space

What We Learned

  • The westward sloping site informs the ideal locations for the stadium and rainwater management

  • Adjacent green areas should be connected through the neighbourhood and contribute to a whole systems approach to landscape and infrastructure design

  • Lower forms of housing should be located adjacent to Botanical Garden

  • Higher intensity housing should minimize view and shadow impacts and optimize value for UBC

Site Analysis and Key Drivers